Apex Legends players are always on the lookout for new heirloom leaks and while there is some information on Loba, it isn't as telling as people are making it out to be. No new images have been leaked, and it's more of a confirmation that the leaked trident of yesteryear has been scrapped. Multiple leakers confirmed the existence of the trident, but it seems Respawn Entertainment is wanting to go with something smaller.

The problem is her staff. It's already a unique melee weapon that appears as part of her kit, so adding something else is tough. Most likely, they'll find something to replace the staff in general.

On March 7, Apex Legends leaker Thordan Smash claimed that the Translocating Thief will be receiving her heirloom in Season 13, and that there are in-game quips ready to accompany it.

But based on the video those in-game voice lines have yet to be dropped. Their sources are hesitant in leaking those voice lines, so it's all speculation. If Thordan Smash wasn't credible, this wouldn't even be worth a story. But for now, we apparently know that Loba's heirloom is coming in Season 13 and we could hear some hints to what the actual weapon looks like rather soon.
