What Does MTD mean inOverwatch?

Players usually see the term MTD in chat during gameplay and have no idea at times what it means. The term originally coined by Matthew Delisi, Super, from San Francisco Shock, MTD means the difference in the main tank’s performance; Super is a main Tank player and is among one of the best in the role.

What Does MTD mean in Overwatch? / Photo courtesy by Blizzard Entertainment

What Does MTD Mean in Overwatch?

Main Tank Difference (MTD), when called out, lets players know there is a noticeable difference in Tank skills from both teams when competing. This contributes to a win or a loss and the statement claims the player in a Tank role either carried or threw the game, but there are other call outs to make sure a team succeeds:

  • MT (Main Tank): The tank that does most of the shielding and damage absorbing.
  • OT (Off Tank/2nd Tank): The secondary tank that backs up the Main Tank when they need a break. Off Tanks usually stay on the sidelines picking off enemies rather than just shielding.
  • Triple-Tank: Three Tanks, One Healer, and One DPS.

These call-outs can help teammates strategize their game plan better and take over a match with organization.
