Respawn guarantees at least 150 Heirloom Shards every 500 Apex Packs, and you can find how to count the Apex Legends packs through a fan-made calculator. Many Apex players are after the Heirloom Shards to get the unique heirloom items for their favorite Legend, and you might be further from or closer to that goal than you think.

Reddit user mikezarandona created an Apex Packs Calculator that can check how many Apex Packs a player has opened throughout the course of their time playing the game. Because Zarandona's application requires players to remember what level they finished every season's battle pass on, it estimates the amount of opened packs in your account has logged. Nevertheless, it leaves a good estimation for how many more packs are required for your Heirloom Shards.

How to Count the Apex Legends Packs You’ve Opened

To start, open the calculator and enter the required information. The "Your Activity" tab will require your:

  • Overall level
  • Battle Pass information from seasons one through seven
  • The amount of purchased packs you have opened
  • Any extra packs received from a bug

Other information that can be entered into the calculation includes a link to Twitch Prime, and the Daily Treasure packs from quests in seasons five, six, and seven. The estimated calculation will be found under the "Progress" tab. Zarandona has taken the liberty to have an FAQ tab added as well, although some questions like "How can I found how many Apex Packs I have purchased?" can't be answered.

If you haven't received your Heirloom Shards from any pack yet this application is perfect for you.
