Gelmir Hero's Grave can be one of the most frustrating and mystifying dungeons in Elden Ring. Full of Chariots that will kill players in a single hit, ushering them toward lava pits that aren't much better, this dungeon has led to plenty of despairing messages, and even more bloodstains. If you're stuck at the start and wondering how to avoid the chariots, or if you've made it to what seems like the end of the dungeon without reaching a boss, this guide is here to help.

Gelmir Hero's Grave Guide: How to Complete the Dungeon

Gelmir Gero's Grave can be quite a tedious dungeon. It requires you to hide in little alcoves as Chariots roll past, and any missteps mean an instant death, forcing you to start the whole ride from the top. Here's how to get through it with minimal pain.

Your first safe location is in either of these alcoves. / Courtesy of FromSoftware/Bandai Namco, Screenshot by Noam Radcliffe

Starting at the top of the first huge ramp in the dungeon, sprint straight forward. You'll first pass an alcove on either side of you, out of which hop a couple of skeletons. You can duck into one of these spots to wait for the Chariot, being careful to dodge the skeletons, or you can keep sprinting a little farther down the ramp.

The skeleton on the right marks a safe spot. / Courtesy of FromSoftware/Bandai Namco, Screenshot by Noam Radcliffe

If you opt for the second option, you'll come across an alcove on your right on the other side of a small patch of lava. Hop over the lava and you'll be safe from the Chariot as it flies by. You'll find a skeleton archer in the alcove, but you should be able to kill it before it's time to start running again.

This safe spot is skippable if you move fast enough. / Courtesy of FromSoftware/Bandai Namco, Screenshot by Noam Radcliffe

The Chariot will stop right outside of this alcove, turn around, and go back down the way it came. Follow it down and you'll have another two opportunities to take shelter. The first will be on your left, just as the lava runs out. A skeleton will jump out at you, but you can avoid it easily. If you stop here, you'll want to wait until the Chariot is heading down again before you move to the next stop.

Safety on the right. / Courtesy of FromSoftware/Bandai Namco, Screenshot by Noam Radcliffe

Alternatively, you can keep running down to the next alcove on your right with, you guessed it, another skeleton inside. Wait until the Chariot goes up the ramp past you, and start running down the ramp again. On your left, you'll see a doorway to which you can jump.

You can jump safely to the left, or head down the lava flow. / Courtesy of FromSoftware/Bandai Namco, Screenshot by Noam Radcliffe

Here you have two choices. You can proceed through the dungeon that way, or you can take a shortcut to the end of the dungeon, and pick up a weapon along the way.

The chest at the end of the lava path. / Courtesy of FromSoftware/Bandai Namco, Screenshot by Noam Radcliffe

To get that weapon, wait until the Chariot passes you going up the ramp, then head down the ramp into the lava. Roll through the lava, and if you make it far enough along you'll be safe from the Chariot. Take a left at the bottom of the ramp and you'll find a chest with the Ringed Finger hammer inside. Do a 180 and you'll find an alcove with a sudden drop that leads to the dungeon boss.

Don't go up if you're not prepared to die.. / Courtesy of FromSoftware/Bandai Namco, Screenshot by Noam Radcliffe

If you're looking to wring this dungeon for all it's worth, you'll need to return to the doorway you jumped toward. Proceed through the dungeon as normal until you reach another ramp/Chariot set up. Taking a right up the ramp after the Chariot passes will lead to a little bit of loot, but will all but guarantee your death when you try to come back down the ramp. Proceed at your own risk.

Wait for the Chariot to pass this alcove going up to maximize your time for the drop. / Courtesy of FromSoftware/Bandai Namco, Screenshot by Noam Radcliffe

If you're not ready to die, follow the Chariot down the ramp, ducking into one of the alcoves on either side of the tunnel. More skeletons, but no big deal.

That message marks the lower platform. / Courtesy of FromSoftware/Bandai Namco, Screenshot by Noam Radcliffe

Wait until the Chariot goes up the ramp, then you'll need to act fast. Run down to where the path narrows, then walk diagonally along the edge until you drop off the side — onto a hard-to-see platform below.

The beams are through those windows. / Courtesy of FromSoftware/Bandai Namco, Screenshot by Noam Radcliffe

Go through the doorway in the center of the platform and proceed as normal, picking up two sets of armor for your trouble. When you climb the ladder, you'll find yourself in front of a pair of windows with wooden beams outside. Jump onto the beams. It can be helpful to jump first onto the windowsill, then to jump out and left into the corner with the beam.

Drop time. / Courtesy of FromSoftware/Bandai Namco, Screenshot by Noam Radcliffe

Here's where things get tricky. Walk to where the beams meet in the center of the room in an X shape and wait for the Chariot. It will stop right below you. Drop down onto the platform in its center, and you'll be able to ride it all the way down to the bottom of the ramp.

Courtesy of FromSoftware/Bandai Namco, Screenshot by Noam Radcliffe

Wait for it turn around, then jump off the back. Duck into the alcove on one side and climb the ladder to reach the same location you would have otherwise dropped to earlier in the dungeon. Head down the stairs to confront the boss.
