Apex Legends came out onFeb. 4, 2019, for PC, Xbox, and PlayStation. Being a multi-team battle royale with players broken into teams of three, Apex Legends brought a unique take on the scene that at the time was dominated by Fortnite and PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS.

Respawn Entertainment later expanded and welcomed Nintendo players as well when Apex Legends was released on March 9, 2021 for Nintendo Switch.

Cheers, and thank you for two incredible years. Apex Legends is nothing without you, our players. Now let's celebrate!

The Anniversary Collection Event is now live through Feb 23. ? pic.twitter.com/DNKO9TLyKw

— Apex Legends (@PlayApex) February 9, 2021

When Did Apex Legends Come Out?

Averaging about 70 million players in its first year, Apex Legends has had an incredible run with seasonal content. Currently in Season 11, Apex Legends remains one of the most popular battle royale games on the market alongside Fortnite and Call of Duty: Warzone.

While Fortnite has remained a genre giant for years, Warzone has posed a threat when it was released in March 2020. Fans have gone back and forth between the two as developers have tried to make their game stand out from competition. Apex Legends regularly features new characters, weapons, maps and more in an effort to keep it fresh. Warzone just received its first brand-new map with Caldera for Warzone Pacific.
